Money doubles in years! Exposing a hefty scheme

- Crimewatch-Mahesh Yagnik

- People's business came to a standstill in Corona. The condition of the helicopter brothers deteriorated as depositors rushed together to get their money back.

There is also a saying in Gujarati that where there is greed, the cheater will not starve. The deception in front of a person wrapped in greed and lust presents such an attractive picture that even a greedy person loses the sense of thinking with common sense. The story of two relatives who specialize in the art of deceiving people by showing them carrots of greed has now become a topic of discussion from house to house all over Tamil Nadu.

On June 6, 2016, at ten o'clock in the morning, there was a festive atmosphere in the city of Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu. Crowds of people were jammed around Sridharnagar, a very rich area of ​​the city. People were staring at the sky with curiosity and curiosity. The occasion was the celebration of a child's first birthday. The baby's name is Arjun. Arjuna is the first child of Mariyur Ramdas Ganesha (we will now call him Ganesha). On the occasion of his son's first birthday, Ganesh played a game. Downstairs in the toy car, Arjun was smiling cheerfully and a flying helicopter was showering flowers on Arjun and the assembled crowd! The people of Kumbakonam had never seen such a spectacle before. People standing in the crowd were arguing inside.

"My father is a millionaire and he has a helicopter at home, so he can afford it." One man said that another immediately corrected his mistake. Not a millionaire, madman, this Ganesh and his brother Swaminathan have billions of rupees. We can't even imagine owning so much money, these helicopter brothers! ' Upon hearing the conversation between the two, a third man standing next to them immediately gave additional information. 'These two brothers are originally from Thiruvarur. Came here only six years ago and set up a huge business. He built huge stables by ordering cows from foreigners and made blind profits in the dairy business. As the money increased, so did the finance company. He started printing notes. After that, the company started this aircraft.

Other people approached him and arranged for him to listen to the knowledge that the knowledgeable brother was imparting, so the knowledgeable person was encouraged. He gave information with more enthusiasm. Of the two brothers, Swaminathan and Ganesh, Ganesh is more gilinder and powerful. The BJP has formed a federation of traders from the entire Thanjavur district, in which Ganesh has become its president. It is well known. Ganesh's one year old Arjun is said to be very lucky - in the dairy business these brothers have named the ice cream brand Arjun Ice Cream and the name of the new company that they have set up this helicopter is also Arjun Aviation Pvt. Ltd.? How much did you spend on advertising by filling out the front page of all the newspapers on the day you started the company? People say that these helicopter brothers have a capital of at least a thousand crores of rupees! '

One of the men in the audience looked at the brother curiously. "I do not understand the mathematics of the huge interest paid by these brothers in depositing money in an amnesty company." He asked the informant with deep suspicion. 'What do you think of this? How can these people afford to pay such interest? '

The third asked curiously before the knower could answer. 'What percentage of interest does his company pay on the deposit?'

The brother who asked the question with suspicion instead of the knower said with a torso. 'Forget the percentage calculation, sir! This Ganesh and Swaminatha have made a splash all over Tamil Nadu as Helicopter Brothers! Put a thousand rupees today and take two thousand rupees a year later! M's Victory Finance Company doubles your money back in one year! Do you understand? ' He looked at the informant and asked. 'Now you answer. What is the business in the world that doubles money in one year? Don't you find all this Victory Finance doubtful? '

The knowledgeable Lagir was confused. "It simply came to our notice then. Victory Finance agents earn huge commissions by working hard in every village in the entire district. Even the temple priests have to earn money by becoming agents instead of ringing bells. ' He added frankly, waving his mouth in front of everyone. 'My point is different. There is no extra capital, I have to borrow at the end of each month, so there is no question for me of the mathematics boom of investment and interest! ' Everyone laughed and slowly the crowd dispersed.

There was truth in what people were discussing about Mariyur Ramdas Ganesh and Mariyur Ramdas Swaminathan. Both these sons of father Mariyur Ramdas and mother Vedavalli were from Dhurandhar Mahar who also drew water from stone. Leaving Thiruvarur and coming to Kumbakonam, he established his economic empire within six-seven years. Looking at the other billionaires in the country, the two brothers understood the fact that if you want to be a successful businessman, you have to have not only your skills but also your political backing. Judging by the wind, the two brothers had assumed the BJP scarf. Ganesha was more ambitious. He also became the President of Thanjavur District BJP Traders Wing! The issue was not raised, but the two brothers expanded their business into Singapore and Malaysia.

The tricks that M's Victory Finance Company used to double in a year worked very well in the early days, but Corona's wave came and the lockdown was announced and people's business came to a standstill. The condition of the helicopter brothers deteriorated as depositors rushed together to get their money back. Even so, the two brothers were now proud of their political strength. If the depositor is strong, he starts talking to her politely, asking for a term and threatening to send her away. The checks that were being given to the people started coming back from the bank and the discussion started among the people but the fear of these helicopter brothers was such that no one had the courage to face them.

Finally, on July 21, 2021, a couple dared. The amount deposited by Zafarullah and his wife Firozbanu, both residents of Kumbakonam, was not insignificant. He had deposited the entire fifteen crore rupees in Victory Finance as a deposit. The mistake that can easily get your claim denied is to fail. Zafarullah and Firozbanu rushed straight to the police station. Presenting all the papers of the deposit as evidence, he lodged a complaint that instead of giving us the money and the interest on it, the Helicopter Brothers threatened us, citing their political strength and saying do it!

Even in Polisbeda, the smell of public discussion had reached. Thanjavur S.P. Deshmukh Shekhar Sanjay immediately proposed and registered an FIR. Note. The helicopter brothers flew away when the police raided the brothers' bungalow after registering a complaint under sections 306, 50 and 120 (b) of the Indian Penal Code. On July 25, Victory Finance manager Meera and her brother Srikanth were arrested. They were both preparing to flee the village when the police arrived and apprehended them. His helicopter crashed near the helipad he had built in the Korekkoi area. Police were also deployed there. A dozen luxury cars collided head-on in the bungalow compound. Twelve cars, such as Porsche, Mercedes, Audi and BMW, have now been relocated to the police station premises instead of the bungalow compound. Ganesha's wife Akilandam alias Akila was arrested on July 28 on the basis of what Meera and her brother Srikanth said after their capture. She was also a director of Victory Finance Company. Another manager, Venkatesh, was also picked up.

DSP A special team of Thanjavur Crime Branch led by Asokan was active in searching for Ganesh and Swaminathan.

An FIR has been registered in this regard. Thanjavur BJP leader N. Satish Kumar informed the media that Ganesh and Swaminathan have been expelled from the BJP and now the BJP has nothing to do with this matter.

All the depositors in the entire Thanjavur district now have the courage. One by one the depositors went to the police station and started registering a complaint. In some places, disgruntled depositors started killing agents! Meetings of all agents and depositors took place. According to preliminary estimates, the Helicopter Brothers combined to make one-sixth of the population! Apart from Kumbakonam, posters were hung on the walls in villages of Thanjavur district. The demand in the posters was to catch the 200 crore gossiping helicopter brothers and return the money to the people!

The hard work of the crime branch and its informants finally paid off. On the 4th of August, 2021, the officers of the crime branch picked up Ganesh and Swaminathan from Pudukkottai village!

Depositors who put up very small amounts of money are sitting on the sidelines blaming their own luck to avoid the hassle of police complaints but the total amount of more than sixty five complaints registered was six hundred crores!

All those arrested have started seeking bail, but the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court has rejected the bail pleas of all the accused except Venkatesan. The entire case has been transferred to the Economic Crimes Wing and the bail application of Ganesha's wife Akila was also rejected on 19-6-2071 with the assertion that the investigation is on! Manager Srikant's bail application was also rejected on 9-10-2021.

Helicopter Brothers showered people for Rs 200 crore, but then where did the money go? In response to a question from the High Court, the Tamil Nadu government informed that out of this, Rs 500 crore has been invested abroad and our officials are investigating to get the details. SP Deshmukh Shekhar Sanjay also told reporters that the money was likely to have reached Malaysia.

Depositors are now praying to their respective deities for some good results and return of their money, twelve luxury cars are beautifying the police station compound, the helicopter lying in the helipad is eating dust and the helicopter brothers are eating prison bread with their marines!
