The egoist has no respect for anyone in this world except himself!

- Identity of Akash - Kumarapala Desai

- After the public competition of Rangmandap and examination of weapons skills, deep seeds of vengeance and conspiracy were sown between Kauravas and Pandavas, which resulted in this massacre of Kurukshetra.

Guru Drona, the commander of the Kauravasena, is fighting a battle to defeat the Pandavas on the battlefield of Ku Rukshetra, but a fierce battle was going on in the distance between Guru Drona. An internal war is more real, heartbreaking than an external war. Enemy, weapon, revenge, past experiences, revenge, murder, assault, all these things are in front of the eye and its repercussions are falling inside while fighting outside. Has been. He attacks himself and resists himself! And so the meteor shower of mindfulness awakens in the mind of Guru Drona in the Samarangan of Kurukshetra.

Guru Drona thinks that greed is such a bad thing! Greedy human beings also promote respect for evil or iniquity. Kauravaraj Duryodhana was most tempted by the divine weapons such as Brahmastra, the supposed target of Guru Drona. That power was especially revered in Guru Drona. Due to this, Duryodhana repeatedly attacks Guru Drona. Sometimes he tries to sharpen his hostility towards the Pandavas on the battlefield by accusing him of being a big partisan of the Pandavas because of his beloved disciple Arjuna, sometimes he praises the divine weapons of the Guru and motivates him to kill the Pandavas.

What a peculiar relationship this guru-disciple has, in which both are bound by the bondage of temptation. Disciple Kaurava Shrestha Duryodhana has no respect for Guru Drona. We egoists have no respect for anyone but ourselves. Such an egoistic Duryodhana has a feeling of neglect towards Guru Drona. His ears are not accustomed to listening to the teachings of the elders and so even when Guru Drona expresses his opinion by mistake, the result is a bitter, contemptuous insult to Duryodhana.

Thus, on the one hand, there is a deep hatred towards Guru and on the other hand, there is only the lure of the revered Brahmastra, the divine weapon that Guru Drona has. Thus, as if Guru is inspiring Drona, he repeatedly says that 'no Pandava or any other archer in the world can equal you' and only after that Guru says to inspire Drona.

'Dwijshreshtha! You are fully aware of the weapons, so if you want you can destroy all the people including the gods, demons and gandharvas with your divyastras, there is no doubt about it. '

(Mahabharata, Dronaparva, Chapter-12, Verse-2)

Guru Drona thinks that this sattalalchu egoistic disciple of mine is only concerned with my divyastras and before this thought goes any further, Duryodhana says to Guru Drona, 'Despite such divine weapons, you are constantly forgiving the Pandavas. Why ? Oops! This Pandava is very afraid of you, that is why he is your disciple. It keeps repeating itself. You are neglecting your power while playing war with the Pandavas, thinking that I will be unlucky to lose. '

It is unfortunate that Guru Dronacharya, who has lost his temper due to temptation, does not feel insulted by Duryodhana's speech, but his words provoke Guru Drona's wrath more, but that anger spreads towards Pandavas instead of turning to Duryodhana in anger or rebuke. As a result, they get angry and say to Duryodhana,

'Duryodhana, even though I am old, I am striving for your victory by showing my full strength on the battlefield. I feel like I have to do something small because of your desire to win. '

Speaking of Divyastras, Guru Drona says to Duryodhana, "Not everyone knows about my Divyastras, but I realize that I can do annihilation through them."

Thus, Guru Dronacharya trusts Duryodhana, but at the same time a voice arises from within him that how appropriate it is to use such divine weapons on the Pandavas by subduing the egoistic Duryodhana's will? Hardly any prince, general or soldier knows the secret of the divine weapons I have and wants to use these divine weapons for the foolish Duryodhana and evil plan. How appropriate is this for me? And a new question arises from Guru Drona's mind that 'Divya can be thrown away for Kshudra, right?'

These divine weapons have been obtained as a result of strong yoga practice. This is the grace of incomparable God. Its purpose is for the destruction of Asuras and assassins and should I use it instead for the destruction of the Pandava party? Shall I attack my son Sama Adarsh ​​Shishya Gandhivadhari Arjun? Banavali Arjuna was the center of everything for the Kauravas and especially on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, because it was the power of Banavali that was the basis of the victory of the Pandavas and on the other hand if Arjuna was defeated the defeat of the Pandavas was certain. Where victory and defeat depend on a hero, the death of that hero is decisive of victory.

Eager for the defeat of the Pandavas, Duryodhana repeatedly talks to Guru Drona about the Divyastras, when Guru Drona thinks,

Sitting on the Guru's asana, I taught him the lessons of heroic religion in Hastinapur and today I am eager to destroy his bravery with my divine weapons and these are the weapons that there is no way to resist. There is no resistant weapon that can dissolve its enormous power. But oh! Till today, he was calling for the scriptures and saying that the goal of a strong armed hero. Acharya Drona, who wears the divine weapon of protection of the weak and today I am Brahmastra Adi, will strike a weapon which the other side has no ability to face and will throw these weapons against the Pandavas who are his obedient, humble disciples.

Jupiter turns trembling again at the thought of Drona's body. His heart suddenly cries out that in the battle of Kurukshetra, I use these divyastras to extinguish the fire of vengeance of the egoistic Duryodhana, is there any mistake in doing so? If the fire of enmity between the disciples was to be quenched by the Guru, instead today the Guru himself became a victim of the enmity of Kaurava-Pandava. Is that so?

And Guru Drona remembers the scenes of the past when he organized a grand event in Hastinapur for his disciples' weapons test and at that time this wise, Bhardwajanandan Guru Dronacharya chose a flat land for the weapons test and dressed in white and white Kauravas tested different types of weapons skills and what was the result of that test? The public examination held among such people could have been stopped as a guru, but at the end of the examination, Karna Duryodhana, also known as Sutaputra, was found as a friend. Genocide. Guru Drona was plunged into a quagmire of new ideas, starting with the ordeal at the Hastinapur Rangmandap and the role of experimenting with theology in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. (In order)
