The world's first university: Nalanda

Pra was the center of Bharat Vidya in the Chinese period. India was also the first international university in the world. The Nalanda University, established during the Maurya dynasty's rule in the 5th century, at that time had 2,000 teachers teaching various subjects to about 10,000 students. Students from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China and Korea used to come to this university which continued till 19th century.

Mahayana, Hinayana and Vedic scriptures of Buddhism were studied in Nalanda University. She also taught spirituality, astrology, logic, lexicography or grammar, mathematics and medicine. Today the ruins of Nalanda University can be seen in Bihar. Buddhism was more widespread at that time. Nalanda University had a nine-storey library and accommodation for Buddhist monks.

All the kings from the 5th to the 12th century contributed to the development of Nalanda University. Famous Chinese travelers Hu Sang and Fei Han were famous students of Nalanda.

Nine monasteries and several Buddhist temples can be seen in the ruins of Nalanda in Bihar today. During the excavation, many steps were found at the site. The main stupa of Nalanda has a huge statue of Buddha. Nalanda means one who imparts knowledge.
