Rheumatoid arthritis is also a common occurrence in people in their 60's today, as diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes are common. Arthritis is a chronic disease in which the bones of the body wear out with age. Rheumatoid arthritis causes swelling and pain in the limbs. In Gujarati, people usually use only the word va. The patient is also at risk of developing other ailments due to weakness in the body, so treatment should be started as soon as the primary signs of the disease appear. There are some basic symptoms of arthritis that any normal person can recognize.
The first symptom is pain. If someone has pain in the body while sleeping or moving, it may be arthritis. Vana pain occurs in one particular part of the body or in many different organs.
Second, the most common sign is swelling. The part of the body that has arthritis looks a little red and swollen. If this swelling persists for a long time, it is a matter of concern. Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure.
Stiffness is a typical sign of arthritis. It should not be neglected at all.
Rheumatoid arthritis can be caused by feeling tired when you get out of bed in the morning, work in the office or do housework or drive.
Learn another common feature. If you have trouble getting up from a chair, sitting upright, or lifting an object, be careful. That is the sign of the dish.
Rheumatoid arthritis can be caused by sudden onset of pain in the bones and increased pain during physical activity.
It can also be a sign of arthritis if a person is unable to do his daily chores due to constant fatigue or if he cannot get to work even after getting a good night's sleep.
In general, our body warns us by making signs of every disease. The body also gives signals for arthritis. After seeing that, everyone should be treated as soon as possible. Many other side effects and pains can be avoided by timely treatment.
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