This also appears in the form of jewelry-rings, necklaces, earrings, nose rings or bracelets in the house but its origin is only gold, so the seekers of enlightenment understand it as an expression of gold. In the same way that the original gold appears in the form of different molds of ornaments as it goes through various processes, the human, animal-bird or inanimate objects also appear differently in this creation created by God.
Gita is sung explaining Paramatma Shri Krishna-Jignashu devotee Arjuna. Then from the ninth chapter to the fifteenth chapter he explains the process of expressing himself from the unexpressed.
Although the tree is the same, its four-five branches look different from each other. Thousands of leaf textures perceive themselves differently. Yet we know that this is the expression of a single tree and that it is the motion of a seed in the root. Gotla is crushed in fertile soil and disappears and the expression of Gotla is visible in the form of mango. That is how Paramatma is the Seed Form. After knowing all this, I, you and the whole world will feel that it is a festival of manifestation of God.
After acquiring such knowledge, no one will look alien or different. Only the vibration of God, this world will feel like enjoying Bhagavad Swarup.
God says that every event, thing, object or man, animal, bird, many small and big micro-organisms like the creation of this universe is my creation. I am the guardian, the nurturer, the destroyer. Nothing but me. The whole world pervades me. Yet I am not in any one place. I am omnipresent, so to believe that it is paramatmadarshan to feel love everywhere without hating anyone.
- Nathalal Brahmakshatriya
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