He was a Yogi Maharaj of the highest order. Ganga- was sitting on the sacred ghat of Maiya in Samadhi. A young hermit also used to come to the ghat to do yoga pranayama. Yogi Mahatma found this hermit extremely passionate and radiant. But he was often surrounded by crowds of teenagers and teenagers. All these young men used to come with hermits. There, on the banks of the Ganges, many came to hear their sorrows, and many came to take a bath with their ropes. One day Yogi Maharaja called this young hermit and said, 'Son! You are a true seeker! Even if you leave the worries of social interest and do meditation and sadhana for self-liberation! So get rid of this Bhavsagar! '
Hearing the voice of old Mahatmaji, the young ascetic spoke, but Mahatma! What do I do when I am alone? My salvation is contained in the salvation of all these! That is the true sadhana. We, the common man, believe that everything is due to our upliftment and happiness. We also do our best for them. But the contemplation of sages and sages is' Sarvabhavantu Sukhin: that is, live the best life! That's all there is to it. The idea of self-liberation in the liberation of all should not really be the virtue of the seeker. As a great personality or yogi is a part of this superconsciousness. That is how we are. How can we experience bliss if even one part of the subconscious is sad?
Selfishness is so entangled in ego and six vices that we cannot achieve it even if we want to. All these disorders are due to illiteracy. It is written in a commentary in Rig Veda- Ignorance is the same as seeing or describing Chetanbhav in Jad and Jadbhav in Chetan. It is rooted in ignorance, ignorance and the five conflicts. Because of this, human beings do not think of the noble purpose of 'Sarvajan Hitaya and Sarvajan Sukhaya'. He has forgotten. Lord Krishna says in the Gita that 'the only true yogi who will experience the same consciousness, element, conscious power in all living beings is the true Yogi Mahapurusha! If a neighbor is sad and we cannot feel his pain. So can we call ourselves a traveler on the path of humanity?
"Every day we have to think about what we can do," says Robinson, a Western thinker. Some people benefit from what they do. Thinking in our periphery and until we can start thinking independently. Until then we cannot become partners of consciousness. The troubles caused by the worries of the whole world cannot be relieved. Which we understand as parahit. It is also self-evident. Because in Parhit there is complete self-compounding. If we start doing a lot of karma for Parhit, we will be able to get rid of a lot of pains in the world in no time. Then the world will not be like this!
- Laljibhai G. Manvar
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