- Internet Poetry - Anil Chawda
- The original name of Umar Khayyam was Gyasuddin Fateh Umar. Nickname of 'Khayyam'. It means tent seamstress. Their ancestors were in the business of sewing tents
Do jam makers do you have any knowledge?
The one you are digging is a sign.
The finger of Akbar, the head of an alamgir,
What is on the chalk, fool you?
- Umar Khayyam
(App. Zero Palanpuri)
The best word ever written by KV never perishes, a living example of which is Umar Khayyam. Khayyamsaheb was well versed in mathematics in his time and was well known as an astronomer. Also having a deep knowledge of astrology. Sultan Jalaluddin also resided in the court of Malek Shah as Rajjoshi. Khayyamsaheb, who lived a long life of 108 years, was not well known as a poet in his time. Some scholars even doubted that Khayyam had written poetry. Because none of his contemporaries took note of his poetry. But a. J. Avery has discovered 20 such authentic rubaitas on the basis of thirteenth century manuscripts. About seven hundred and one years after his death, the English poet Edward Fitzgerald translated his poetry. His translation of many of Khayyam's rubaitas in the free-spirited style 'The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam' (18) is still considered excellent. After this translation Khayyamsaheb became popular as a poet. His fan base grew. Some fans formed clubs in his name. Some went to their place of birth or death and brought soil from there and raised plants in it
Since then, Khayyamsaheb's Rubayats have been translated into hundreds of languages of the world. A Parsi by the name of Rustam Bhajiwala incarnated his Rubaiyat in Gujarati about a hundred years ago, which has a special touch of Parsi dialect. The translations done by Shunya Palanpuri in Gujarati language are considered to be the best. It is said that if Umar Khayyam himself reads these translations, he will give all his rubaitos to Shunya Saheb! He translated it into Gujarati and added a complete Gujarati clover, without even changing the price of the original poem!
Umar Khayyam's original name was Gyasuddin Fateh Umar. Nickname of 'Khayyam'. It means tent seamstress. Their ancestors were in the business of sewing tents. He was born on 13 May 108 in the village of Nishapur, Iran and died on 8 December 1191. Yesterday was his birthday. Who can say that Khayyamsaheb, famous in his time as an astronomer, mathematician, astrologer, will become famous as a great poet in future? But the best word of poetry never perishes. Sooner or later he is on his own path.
Khayyamsaheb speaks very casually about the immortality of life in his Rubaiyat. For this they make good use of many symbols like shaki, sharab, jam, mati, kumhar. It will also be felt in these rubaitas translated by Shunyasaheb. We are told there that Mankhadeh is made of clay. But the poet does not say this directly. They say to the potter who is digging the clay, "Brother, the potter, do you know if the clay you are digging is not clay, but human beings." There is nothing wrong with saying that the potter is digging the human body, since the human body is destroyed and eventually merges into the soil. Who has not mixed in this clay? Emperor, saint, king or beggar - beautiful or ugly, everything has finally become uniform in the soil. He says to the potter, "Do you know what you are digging?"
Through these symbols, Khayyamsaheb points to the immortality of life. His rhetoric presents profound philosophies about the immortality of life, the sanctity of love, the soul, the world, and God. Let's logout from their other two rubaitas.
What Kubero? what Sikandar? Pride will break,
Yes, any treasure will be lost in two days;
There is no escaping the harsh gaze of time,
Today the cup is exploding, tomorrow the jug will explode.
Bhakti Keri Kakaludi, Swarth Kera Jap Bandh
Conch shells close to the garden
I asked the question a little louder who am I?
The gates of the shrines are closed automatically
- Umar Khayyam
(App. Zero Palanpuri)
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