Corona's later theology Great Resignation

- Take this new ... 5 million employees are resigning every month in America and Europe

- Vividha-Bhaven Kutchi

- Find out the 14 reasons why 36 million employees resigned in the year 2021

Did you know that in the wake of Ko Rona, there is a new wave in America and the West? As we shout 'unemployment unemployment' millions of workers abroad are leaving their jobs in the hope that they will be able to lead a better life. Economists have coined the term 'Great Resignation' to describe the event as an industrial revolution. It is interesting to know the reasons why this Ghodapur has turned again.

(1) After Corona, citizens around the world realized how uncertain, incomprehensible and valuable life is. Career, ambition and the blind pursuit of money alone do not waste it. Take a job that strikes a balance between home, family and working hours.

(2) Work from home culture was born because of Corona. Employees decided to work for a company where the work-from-home system would continue.

(2) Until now, for a good position and salary, the company had to settle in a big city where its office, plant or place of work is located. Costs, such as the impossibility of building a house, all other expenses from education like metro city and the salary is not much higher than that so the employees started thinking of moving to mini metro or small town or village and less luxurious states. Let's move to the 'B' tier city, the state, instead of the current big city and the rich and expensive tax-rich states, even if we leave our current job.

(2) On the one hand, due to Corona, business in almost all sectors has been hit hard. The condition of the owners has become worse than that of the employees. Employees are starting to find jobs in the new opportunities and fields that have opened up in Corona's changed world. However, this is more applicable to the service sector. You think, online order and delivery, delivery boy, in-house physiotherapy, in-house corona testing staff, laboratory, medical equipment and its supply chain, mask and gloves production, pharma, hospital nursing staff, senator, Think about fitness and gym, snacks, snacks, online grocery, vegetables, online shopping of all consumer and appliances, its delivery, Mediclaim, life insurance, purchase of two and four wheeler. Those who used to work with low pay or with low facilities are coming in this sector. Standing in the shop for ten hours to get ten thousand attracts new and free keeping units and jobs.

(2) Millions of workers and those without whose service the system came to a standstill, but were looked down upon by the society, had to migrate to their homeland. They understood the importance of family. They were intrigued by the significance of their lives. They also felt exploited by their owners and contractors. Despite his low income, he started working in his own village or in a nearby town on a lower salary so that he could spend more time with his family.

(2) How many women quit their jobs because their children were educated online? They changed jobs that could be done online. The women left their jobs to live with their children and family so they resumed the activity or art they were interested in and left for an economic career and made it an earning platform with quality time. Now you can find a global market for your art, talent, craft, skills at home. No show room, studio or restaurant required.

(4) Employees in the age group of 6 to 8 years are leaving their jobs with the plan that they have to endure inhumane targeting world of company managers, bosses and promotions as well as stinginess mentality. To paint Now your product or service can be offered all over the world. It is now becoming easier for such start-ups to get funds. The government and the bank also offer loans and other concessions.

(2) Of the millions of employees who leave the job, 40% are in the non-skilled category. But now they have learned the skills for that job. Companies also need staff training. For example digital literacy, call center communication skills, hospitality, catering, taking blood samples, data entry etc. Companies believe that their work can be taught after two to four months of training even if the employee has not completed the course for two to three years. This is why the demand and supply of employees has increased. Now the idea of ​​a job only if you have a degree is diminishing. A person's perceptual power and natural abilities are observed.

(3) who are resigning 50 to 60 percent of the high skilled work force. They are leaving the top company headquarters which is in the mega cities of the world. They have good savings. He was intoxicated to work in middle or top management in a company which is ranked in the top 100 companies in the world so far. But after Korona, he has been taught theology to enjoy life. He has understood the value of the lost happiness of his family. He has to live in the lap of nature. What he has forgotten for years is to live a life of music, meditation, hobbies. He wants to be 'detox' away from the world of devices and mobile phones and networks. Sightseeing like free birds, jungles, sea urchins. The purpose of his being is to find out. They will now do a job that is subject to his condition.

(10) Economists not only attribute the new world born to Corona to the foundations of the trend of "Great Resignation" but also to Anthony Clotz, a professor at the University of Texas at the time, who saw it as a revolt and frustration of citizens against capitalism. The rich have become richer. 5% of the wealth is owned by 5% of the rich. From the workers to the white collar employees all believe that we have not received even two cents of it, we are being exploited. We have been subjected to inhumane treatment. We will now shift to another raised sector. Our needs should be reduced. Staying in a small village will reduce unnecessary expenses. The job will come again on our terms. You can understand the importance of employees so this is an unannounced movement. Which is becoming a trend. Everyone does, so I might as well join in the excitement. This is like a mob psychology. Not everyone who quits has a serious financial situation. How many loans are left, future income, job not sure, just quit the current job, it has come to my mind again. However, one of the reasons for this is believed to be that

In the West, citizens are less likely to be affected by social security benefits, unemployment benefits and medical bills. Economists and social activists alike are not happy about the mass resignation but at the same time warn the owners of the company that if human needs are reduced to a new opportunity, there could be a global crisis in essential goods and services. Britain has a shortage of drivers for thousands of trucks and container vehicles. Those who were drivers quit this job. Groceries, vegetables, milk and other items for the citizens no longer reach the mall. Even if Britain is willing to issue temporary visas for drivers from abroad, there is no special response. The concept of family, social formation and material progress prevails in America and European countries. It is not a culture in India to earn five days and spend two days.

(11) There is also a situation where a lot of work is going on all around but people are not available. Infrastructure, bridges, dams, metro rail, hotels, airports, stadiums, malls, start-ups are all taking shape. Those who are working or lower middle class have no ambition to become richer or to expand the material facilities they have. They will spend what they have earned. You will be blinded by the work of a laborer. If it is poor then Rs. If you want to meet 500, come running .. but if you send a message five times, then the artisan will come as if he is doing you a favor. This is the world of workers and employees which no economist can understand.

One of the reasons for the trend of quitting jobs at the middle and top management level is that companies, including computers, gadgets, IT, software and artificial intelligence, have found work in the post-Coro world to such an extent that a number of other associate companies have opened up. . For example, Google relies on a number of companies to carry out their projects. The same applies to other companies. Large companies have received huge orders and projects. Their value has increased many times but instead of increasing the salaries of the employees, the burden has increased on them. This has increased the stress. In addition to office hours in work from home, meetings, presentations have to be given on occasion. On the other hand, medium-sized companies or supply companies of large companies need experienced employees. This is also the reason why a large number of employees resign in order to get such better salaries and positions.

(13) This wave is also going on in China and Japan. After the Coronation period, they say that we do not work in this way every day from 8 am to 8 pm and also six days a week. Rival companies now offer shorter working hours and other leisure activities, such as tourist vacations, to attract employees of other companies.

(13) Indians do not need to climb the western path of this collective resignation. Foreign family and social structure, government scheme is not like ours. They do not have a progressive mind. This is the reason why Indians or immigrants have been able to get wide opportunities and employment abroad.

Wishing you new dimensions in the new year, not by hitting the ax on the branch.
