- Known though unknown-Munindra
- Mahopadhyaya Shri Yashovijayji Maharaj has been very much woven with my existence since the name was given on the first day of Diksha Jeevan and till the work was done in life.
Who knows where, when and what turn will come in life? Rarely does a turn come due to traumas in personal life, while sometimes aversion arises within the surrounding death. Sometimes reading a scripture spreads the light of some asceticism from the event, sometimes the touch of the Guru changes the goal in life and finds the renunciation and ascetic path of initiation.
There are many turning points in life, big and small, but the turning point in the spiritual life from the physical or practical life is special because it is an adventurous leap. In practical life, later events are predicted, while the ascetic has to cultivate indescribably in an unknown land.
There is no set time for a turning point in life. It comes in any form. When any Acharya or Muniraj talks about such curves of asceticism and spirituality coming in life, we get an incomparable graph of the excellent manifestations and variability of their distance, but how to get it? Achieving this is also a very difficult task, but such an incomparable and invaluable Atmasamrudhi Srutabhavan Research Center, Pune has edited a book titled 'The Turn of My Life' by Param Pujya Muni Shri Vairagyarativijayaji Ganivar with the inspirational story of men who set foot on the path of Param. In this book, we get the introspective experience stories of the turning point from practice to asceticism. Reading it will be a beacon of life for every reader, devotee, seeker or seeker.
Somewhere the holy inspiration of renunciation comes from a Panditji, somewhere the vision obtained from the Agam scriptures is obtained. So somewhere there is a firm determination that 'I have to take initiation'. In this context, Munishri Vairagyarativijayaji Ganivar has noted that, 'Difficulties and obstacles come in the life of each of us. Success is not achieved without enduring hardships or overcoming obstacles. If found, it does not taste. ' The poet has spoken well. Where has anyone got the floor, without the slightest hindrance or hindrance. '
And when it comes to the story of the curves that speak of such destinations, the curve of life is intertwined in every story, but this is a huge curve where the whole universe is changed. How would it feel to suddenly feel the intense heat of the sun at noon in an environment surrounded by dense darkness? Here are some important excerpts from the autobiography of such inter-experiences. In the early decades of the life of Acharyasri Vijayashovijayasuriji, who had the courage to surrender his existence, the spirit of acquiring sattva from the deepest elements of sadhana and unwavering faith in the inconceivable power of God, initiation was not seen on the distant horizon. This young man, who had watched two hundred and fifty films for years, was introduced to Sushravaka Shri Ajitbhai. Ghadtar was received from the camp of Shri Bhuvanbhanusurishwarji and finally that day came.
He notes the turning point in life. 'At midnight I fell asleep, I picked up the magazine and sat in the north-east corner facing Shri Simandharaswamy Dada, hoping for some solution. The seed of Manthan was this - there is a 'soul' within this body that I am. This was the indisputable truth. So what was the point of living with the burden of learning and the world? Why should I go after it when these attempts just revolving around the body were completely absent? Why should I let go of my own worries of that soul when it is known? Where is my happiness? And what should my life be like for that?
Just! I needed a clear and correct answer to these same questions, not a loan from anyone - my own - I needed an answer born from within by the grace of my Lord. Prayer to the Lord began with intense contemplation - and reached to the Lord's cuckoo. As time went on and the intensity within me also increased. The Lord's answer was found at the end of a sharp struggle that lasted for seven or eight hours! There was a very clear feeling and a sense of determination - and it was decided to take initiation when Katasana arose. For Ajitbhai, this decision was not only surprising, it was dumbfounding and I myself was stunned.
Although the ladder to initiation was very thorny, it survived in the midst of it all - the connection with the Lord. For a long time it was almost a fixed order that midnight would come and someone would feel drowsy. And really wake up and connect with the Lord. Due to this Bhakti Yoga flourished. In daily life, five-seven hours of devotion was my life. That devotion connected the unbreakable strings with the Lord. Its glory has played a decisive role in every decision of life. After completing the work smoothly, sometimes I wonder why I took this path? There were many other possible ways ... at that time it was not difficult to decide which way to go. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. This intuition is called my Rome-Rome Prabhukrupa. There are so many struggles and unforeseen situations in life that if it were not for the grace of God, my life would have been ruined.
As the understanding and conscience of this devotion increased, it became brighter. In the early years of Diksha, Gyan Kshetra became the Minister, but in the latter part of the second decade of Diksha, Idar revived the devotional consciousness in a different form. The sadhana of six months of Idar and then the re-writing of the spiritual upanya of 'Dravya Gun Paryayano Raas', the gift of those Saadhak men, these two factors brought a huge change in life. Everything changed. The initiation and height of the sadhana changed. Today's life is passing under the influence of this, but the roots of this effect are also appearing to me in the first periodical of those seven hours of life. This is the short story of the turning point in my self-realm.
Mahopadhyaya Shri Yashovijayji Maharaj has been very much woven with my existence from the name I got on the first day of Diksha Jeevan and the work that has been done in my life. All the instincts formed in my life are written on the work of this great man and also because of a strange turn!
As I have said before (in my favorite verse), my knowledge has been wonderfully refined, Revered Shri Lalitagsagarji Maharaj! Ajit Shanti's Krurujanavaya 'Gatha Gokhata to the one who spends the whole day
This great man has given the gift of ability to do up to fifty stories with a very miraculous estimate, but my relationship with Mahopadhyayji Maharaj was connected - on the day of the moment of my initiation - by the grace of Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Raivatsurishwarji Maharaj - by his direction!
My initiation was going to take place in private. As a result, it is natural that I should go privately to have a private moment. Muhurtadata was - Virajman Pujya Acharyadev Shrimad Vijay Raivatsurishwarji Maharaja in Dabhoi! I reached Dabhoi. All talked to him. He said,
'Mahopadhyaya Shriyashovijayji Maharaj has been cremated here in Dabhoi. You go there and worship him, seek knowledge like him, till then I will delete your muhurat. '
And I have reached the holy land! Upadhyayaji had to reach the circle of God's grace! The wetness of the heart and the devotion awakened me to some wonderful sensations. It was a very small occasion, but it was the first series involving me with Mahopadhyayji Maharaj. Pujyo also gave the name of Shrimad. When Gachchadhipati Pujya Acharyadev Shrimad Vijay Jayaghoshsurishwarji Maharaj first asked us to study justice, 'Where do we go to court or study justice?' If I have been able to solve anything like this childish questioning of his just scriptures, it is only his grace. Whenever no one is sitting in his row, I have prayed to him before going to bed at night and the next day I have read the answer written by him in my mind and maybe that is why I wanted to follow the path of Shri Ananddhanji Maharaj. The words of such a Mahopadhyayji Maharaj of 'Nyayalok'
'My special blessing is to those who rejoice in the contemplation of this justice' -
Mantrasama nivadya for me! It can be said that the turning point in the field of instinct creation was definitely 'Dabhoi' town. Today is the same price-
Lord! Keep up the good content
Bhange Adi Anant ..
The same prayer co.
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