Our remote control is in our hands ...

Most of the home appliances also have a remote control to operate them. Not every member of the household knows how to use it. It is matured by study. Study is very necessary in life. The course of life is hard for Coke and easy for Coke. The rest of the life also comes with body exams.

Just as the maker made the device and gave it a remote control to operate with, so the study shows that God must have given the remote control by making this human body device. If he wants, he can gradually get the remote control he is running. Going forward man can keep himself in control.

In today's age of ostentation, hypocrisy and ostentation, does man run himself by the remote control of others? Man's happiness, sorrow, joy, grief, and his mood have become subject to others. Her frustration and enthusiasm have become dependent on others. Do they live in the mindset of the people by giving up the desire to like and enjoy themselves? It was as if Coke was dancing to it. We have lost our key.

If the manufacturer gives the device a remote control for its use, then this is God the Father, who has given us the remote-control to operate, then you can call it intelligence, mind, heart whatever you want. The rest is God's fault.

There are two reasons why our remote control is not visible, we do not know how to use it or we have misused the remote control anyway. To use this anyway is to be someone else's toy. Coke's speech and behavior hurt, somewhere less respect, Coke didn't take note of us, somewhere ignored ... so much so that even this paper is too short to write ... which proves that we are not in our control.

If the true spirituality in us has erupted without becoming the sheep of any sect or denomination, then there is nothing to be gained from what we have said. Because a true devotee has faith and belief in me that the creator has given me remote control. Why should I lose control over such trivial and momentary things ...? I am my remote control. I have to control my anger, love, hate, jealousy, arrogance, arrogance, my frustration. If I do not control myself, it will not happen. I just have to run myself. To operate. A man with such faith, no matter how many storms come in his life, his face does not change because he has learned how to use me.

if you Don't Mind, it's Does't Matter ...

-Dilip Raval
