- Health Sanjeevani - Jhanviben Bhatt
"Grudrasi" is commonly known as "Ranjan". Air pollution is thought to be the cause of the disease.
Airborne neurodegeneration is a common disease in both males and females, but it is also more common in females after the age of 6 years.
In modern science, the sciatic nerve is formed by combining the nerves coming out of the five vertebrae at the end of the spinal cord and the part below it. Now, when the final fifth bead moves backwards for any reason, there is a lot of pressure on this pulse. This causes a lot of pain in the sciatic nerve as well as in the lower back. And this pain goes up to the heel of the foot. Often the patient experiences severe pain that stretches the legs.
The pain in this disease known as Grudrasi is so intense that the patient's movements become like vultures, that is why this disease is known in Ayurveda as "Grudrasi". Often the pain is so severe that the patient is unable to move even with the legs slightly apart. His whole leg is stretched. The disease is seen due to constant standing or wearing high heel sandals or walking too much.
The above causes pressure on the sciatic nerve, and the patient suffers as if an electric current is passing through the thighs, knees, ankles and fingers. However, the main cause of this disease is considered to be air pollution. It is said in Ayurveda that '
Don't talk without shul.
In addition to this, the main causes are jerking from the waist, excessive weight movement, loosening of the bead, stale, stale, spicy, dry, eating habits etc.
The most common symptom of this disease is pain from the waist down to the soles of the feet. This pain is seen in some patients in one leg and in some patients in both legs. A normal healthy person can elevate their legs up to a 90 degree angle without bending the knees while sleeping, while a patient with sciatica has difficulty bending the legs in this way. Patients with such symptoms often experience tingling, inflammation, as well as diarrhea and urinary incontinence. Prolonged standing work, cleaning utensils, etc. can also cause women to experience this pain all of a sudden.
X-ray, CT scan and MRI are used to diagnose the disease. Many can be useful.
Treatment Experiment: - In this disease, if the patient is able to give complete rest to the patient, keep the habit of sleeping on a soft mattress in a flat place.
Excessive use of urad, garlic, ginger etc. in household experiments and avoid constipation. If constipation persists, it is advisable to take 1 teaspoon of castor bean powder with lukewarm water at night.
Panchkarma therapy also gives very good results in this disease. The patient should be massaged with Panchgunatel or Dashmultel and made to sweat with herbal remedies like Nirgudi. "Katibasti" can be a good alternative treatment for this disease. In the lumbar region, the last bead of the spine is lined with a lump of adad flour, which gives a lot of immediate relief in pain by giving the lumbar spice and aloe vera oil. Applying oil to the lumbar vertebrae in the lumbar region strengthens the cushion between the two beads. In addition to this, by giving rectal lubrication, the main place of medicinal oil from the rectum is lubricated in the gastrointestinal tract and alleviates the irritated air from the whole body, so that the air calms the pain automatically and less.
In addition, Agnikarma also gives very quick relief in sciatica. In one sitting the pain is reduced by 30 to 40%. And doing Agnikarma at a fixed point in Agnikarma also reduces the pain, and relieves the immediate pain. Only with a fire specialist.
In addition to this, take 4-5 tablets of Mahayograj Google in the morning and evening. Vatavighvansaras etc. can also be used as per the advice of the doctor.
In addition to drug use, caution is essential in diet. Excessive air intake has been shown to be unhealthy in this disease. In which diet with wal, peas, cholas, math, stale-cold food as well as fermented items. As well as green vegetables, milk, sesame, fenugreek, ajmo, ginger water etc. have shown diet in this disease.
Agnikarma treatment and medicine is definitely free from this disease.
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