Why do today's people resort to untruths even though lies are defeated in the end?

- Guftego - Dr. Chandrakant Mehta

- When the people accept the (true) Satyagraha, all our activities will take on a different form.

Falsehood is defeated in the end, yet why is it that human beings today are content to resort to falsehood?

Questioner: Haresh b. Lalvani, 21 Tulsi Bungalow, Sola Village, Ahmedabad.

Truth is penance. There is sincerity of soul. There is purity of mind. Witness the goodness. Truth also gives prestige and peace of mind. That is why sages and sages have glorified the truth. Truth is the way of the brave, so the cowardly, the cowardly, the calculating, the selfish, or the ones with the instinct of immediate gain, stay away from it. Like King Harishchandra, Satyopasak has to be ready to sacrifice everything. That is why Gandhiji has given the title of God to truth. The word Satya originates from 'Sat'. Sat means to be. Truth has great qualities like love, non-violence, non-violence etc. Truth is self-published.

Gandhiji's thoughts on truth have been extensively compiled in 'Gandhi Gyan Kosh'. Truth which is the philosophical form, which is the form of Kamadhenu, how is it connected? God has answered it. Truth is rooted in study and asceticism. That locked study of truth. Extreme indifference to anything other than that asceticism. The path of truth is the path of perversion but the path of attaining every great thing is effective. Gandhiji insisted that I would not give up the truth for the sake of my life or for the sake of anyone but for the sake of Swarajya of Hindustan. The one who does not know how to speak the truth is a false coin. It has no value. Goswami Tulsidas, while praising the truth, said,

"Religion is not the same as any other truth

Agam-Nigam Puran Bakhana "

This means that Vedas, Shastras and Puranas have said that there is no other religion equal to truth. Truth is compared to a lighted lamp, which cannot be hidden in darkness. Truth comes with its own light. Vinoba Bhave says that the truth is the same. His worship calls him by different names. Proved the power of truth. The worshiper of truth remains fearless despite the tradition of hardships. The three parts of truth are described: the first part is curiosity, the second part is knowledge and the third part is faith. That is why the violation of truth is tantamount to stabbing the health of human society. The greatest friend of truth is time, its greatest enemy is partiality and its unwavering ally is humility. Trying to hide the truth is an unforgivable crime. One cannot enter the house of truth without a willingness to pay the price. That is why Swami Vivekananda used to say that everything can be abandoned for the sake of truth, but truth cannot be abandoned for anything.

The Mahabharata enumerates thirteen forms of truth: truthfulness, justice, self-control, modesty, forgiveness, humility, tolerance, lack of jealousy, righteousness, altruism, self-conquest, compassion and non-violence. Truth is considered the soul of God and the light of truth is considered to be the body of the supreme element. Truth is even more virtuous than thousands of Ashwamegh Yajnas. The path of truth is narrow. Satyarthi has to walk very carefully just as a nut moves carefully on a thin rope. Yudhisthira, who had worshiped the truth all his life, was tested by the truth and he spoke the half-truth of "Naro va kunjaro va". The one who is truthful has peace in his mind, adventure in his heart, clarity in speech and brightness in vision.

Lying is lame. It has no power so it seeks the truth to survive. Man speaks untruths with such skill that it seems to be true. Even those who testify in court do not speak the truth but 'their own truth'. Even if untruth wins, its true form is revealed sooner or later, so it is said in Ramcharit Manas that "No, untruth is equal to sin-punja, giri sam hohi ki kotik punja", meaning even if many sins come together, they cannot equal untruth. Millions of lizards can't even equalize a mountain. The motto of 'Satyamev Jayate, Nanrutam' Mundkopanishad is the immortal motto of Indian culture. In this Upanishad it is said that truth wins, not untruth, truth is the path on which the gods, i.e. the truthful scholars, walk. Even the sages are liberated by giving up all desires and becoming Brahmalin.

Falsehood is defeated in the 'end', but until the 'end' people try to reap the immediate benefits of the lie because it brings momentary benefit and protection. In Shatapath Brahman it is said that the man who lies is impure. The earth does not feel the weight of the lofty mountains sitting on its chest, it feels like a lie.

The realm of untruth prevails in the society instead of the truth because the people have learned a lesson from seeing those who walk in the path of truth perish that speaking the truth will lead to death. The liar speaks sweetly, lies, the benefits of lying, so people are attracted to him. That is why politicians win acclaim by making false accusations. Hazari Prasad Dwivediji has presented a bitter truth for our consideration that you may hate untruths, I do too but the social system is designed to give shelter to lies, believing that if you want to do any welfare work you should take refuge in lies. Will fall.

People who boldly tell the truth are considered devils and those who tell lies are deceitful monks.

Mahatma Gandhiji said that there is a difference between you and me about the victory of truth. Maybe my faith in God is stronger than your faith. If all Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians, etc. are ready to dedicate their lives for the sake of Hindus, it will not hurt. This was the spirit of the sages of 'Satyamev Jayate' whether it was Tathagata Gautam Buddha or not

Whether it was Mahavira Swami Shriram or Shrikrishna, he never deviated from the path of truth.

Today's man does not hesitate to abuse his intellect. That is to say, by arguing in defense of untruth, he cleverly makes untruth victorious. It takes moral and character strength to speak and live the truth. Selfishness is the enemy of truth. Today's man is more interested in defending selfishness than defending the truth. Profiteering and greed have taken away the conscience of man, otherwise where is the importance of bullying in politics? When man considers work and money as everything, he finds pleasure and satisfaction in lying and practicing lies. Overcoming the craze of material pleasures gives importance to one's momentary pleasures, so embracing the truth, he has no hesitation or shame. That is why man remains engrossed in his exploitation till the lie is exposed. Truth is nectar and false wine. The wine of untruth makes a man intoxicated and makes him realize momentary pleasure. That is why today's man has become selfish instead of being a true satyagrahi. Selfishness does not always lead to immorality. When happiness increases, man sacrifices truth. That is why Mahatma Gandhi said that when the people accept the (true) Satyagraha, all our activities will take on a unique form. I will be saved from many tumultuous, ostentatious speeches, many petitions, many resolutions and many illusions.
