Try it.

- Making a paste of mint leaves, applying this fresh paste on the wound will heal it quickly.

- To turn the green tomatoes red when ripe, keeping the tomato in a paper bag and keeping it in a dark place i.e. in a cupboard or a box will ripen quickly.

- To remove henna stains from clothes, soak the stained area in warm milk for half an hour and wash with soap.

- If the glasses are filled with each other, keep them overnight in the refrigerator to loosen them, they will loosen in the morning.

- Roasting a lump of turmeric and putting it on the tooth will provide relief from aching teeth or molars.

- Crushing sweet neem leaves and drinking its extract can get rid of vomiting.

- By sprinkling salt on the onion while frying it, the onion will fry quickly.

- After grinding the lemon peel and rubbing it on the teeth, the teeth will become whiter, bad breath will be removed and the gums will be strengthened.

- Keeping mint leaves mixed with water in a tray of crushed ice, adding one or two pieces to the jaljeera after the ice freezes will make the jaljeera tastier and help in digestion.

- While making pakoras, bhajiyas, adding some corn flour to chickpea flour will reduce oil consumption while frying and make the pakodas, bhajiyas crispy.

- Drinking lemon juice mixed with some water relieves chest inflammation.

- Drink lemon juice with salt as required after meals.

- Rubbing lemon juice on teeth stops bleeding and pus.

- Rubbing lemon peel on nails strengthens nails. By rubbing on the skin of the hands and feet, the color becomes white.

- Warming mustard oil and applying it to the painful joints of the body will provide relief.

- Meenakshi Tiwari
