Happiness has to find an address, sorrow is addressless

- About you and me - Hansal Bhachech

- Where do we learn to be sad, depressed, fearful or angry, we become upset with the thoughts. We have to learn to be happy, we have to find a reason for it. We can feel sad or sad for no reason. Everyone who wants mental health and strength must understand the psychology behind it

The Art of Drowning - Ever heard of a book, lecture or workshop on the subject? ! Do you say bogus talk in the morning, is there any art in drowning? ! If you have the art of swimming and you don't have it, you will naturally drown, is there any art for that? ! In gross terms this argument is quite correct but in fine terms the entire mathematics changes. When I was a child, when I used to go to learn swimming in Musnanagar, I had to wait for the teachers' time to end and the learner's time to start. I always arrived earlier than my time because in the last ten minutes an elder would lie down on the water and I would watch him. I always wondered why this person didn't drown? ! After a few months I became aware and when I started visiting him, I found that the old man would hit twenty-five lengths and finally lay down on the water to relax. After many futile efforts, I once dared to ask him how to sleep on the water? ! (There was no Google in those days) He smiled and said without doing anything, trusting the water, I felt that he gave me a stupid answer and I didn't even dare to ask again. It happened to me many times that what was not understood at one age was automatically understood at another age, throws upwards. Drowning is due to our distrust of water and not being able to leave the body lightly! He who can sleep on water has to learn the art of drowning, swimming is natural for him, but for others drowning is natural and swimming is an art. If this logic is understood then my next point will be easy to understand.

You will find countless articles, essays, motivational speeches or workshops on the art of happiness, the address of happiness, the importance of happiness etc. But does anyone teach you the art of being sad? Is there any guru key to it?! Grief is without an address, found lying on any pavement with a brick under its head. You have to try to be happy, sad happens automatically, being sad is many times easier than being happy, for that we need to learn something, if we are sad, we are good at it, we can learn that art. have taken The key to happiness is rooted or not, the key to unhappiness lies with us. As in swimming, all these things are true in the gross sense, but here too, in the subtle sense, the whole math changes. Ashtavakra told King Janaka that happiness is our basic nature, to be happy you don't need to do anything, you are happy right where you are - Sukhi Bhava: Just as you don't need to do anything to swim, trust the water and leave the body. , accept what is to be happy and leave it to nature. Few people who have this acceptance have to learn the art of being sad, happiness is natural for them, but for others, suffering is natural and happiness is an art. A swimmer on the water thinks that he can swim by arm-legs, he is mistaken, swimming is natural, arm-legs provide speed and direction, but in practice without arm-legs he sinks because the body is unable to float. We do not believe in the power or ability of water! In the same way, it is natural to live in the present with acceptance and find happiness in what is. We constantly strive for success and prosperity because we have lost faith in what happiness can be without external or worldly acquisitions. We are tired of being miserable in the pursuit of happiness like a deer running with a musk in its navel. In short, grief, anger, rage, anger etc. have become our nature and happiness is a constant search or alchemy. The situation has arisen that the art of being happy has to be learned and the gap to be sad has settled, stress is everywhere and peace cannot be found. !!

I need to explain this to everyone who wants mental health. There is no art to be happy but to be freed from the pitfalls of being sad. Grief doesn't need to be taught, it comes naturally. If being happy is an art, then being sad is also an art, right? ! The art of grieving will be discussed next week...

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The success or achievements of others saddens us more than our own failure or lack, because there may be a hundred reasons for our failure but the success of others cannot be due to any reason except luck!!
