Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi - Amritavachan

- A love that is completely selfless, that is love and that is the love of God.

- Only spiritual knowledge is the knowledge that can destroy our miseries forever.

- Never hurt someone if you cannot help them.

- Education by which we can shape our lives, become human beings, build character is actually right to be called education.

- The mark of life is comprehensiveness.

- If you want to help others, you have to give up ego.

- Man Comes From God In The Beginning, In The Middle He Becomes Man, And In The End He Goes Back To God.

- Always being cheerful and smiling will take you closer to God.

- To make man happy is the basic aim of religion.

- When heart and mind are at odds, follow your heart.

- Jiva Seva, that is true Shiva Seva.

- Let go of jealousy and ego, cultivate unity, learn to work together.

- The essence of all worship is to be holy and to do good to others.

- No duties should be neglected.

- It is impossible to find God outside of ourselves... We are the greatest temple.

- Whatever you do, for that moment consider that action as worship of God.

- Everyone's death is certain, but death with a good purpose is more appropriate.

- Just as roses naturally distribute fragrance, so do you.

- Focusing the mind on any subject is called meditation.

- Try to be pure and Unselfish- That is the Whole of Relation.

- Consider all the poor, illiterate, ignorant and suffering as our Lord. Remember that serving such people is your true religion.

- Great deeds can only be accomplished with great sacrifice.

- Religion is the specialty of India.

- A man who thinks himself weak becomes weak.

- Always think that the land of India is heaven for me and my welfare lies in the welfare of India.

- Love is life and hate is death.

- Always look within, never outside.

- Knowledge, intelligence, wealth, people, force etc. are qualities that nature puts in us. Those things are meant to divide the society.

- No good thing can be done without obstruction. it is only those who persevere to the end that succeed.

- There can be no friendship without equality.

- Keep in mind that you are the son, the child of the benevolent God and you are only destined to accomplish His works and purpose - do Karma continuously.

- Jayendra Gokani
