Does the mind become more bloated than the key thing?

Poet Zaverchand Meghani, who is considered as the superstar of the national anthem in Gujarati language, has written many songs expressing bravery and valor in the spirit of nation. All these songs have encouraged the freedom fighters of Thangani for the freedom of the country with open heart and have inspired them to die for freedom. Not all of these songs will be remembered today! Because now none of those freedom fighters survive and the new generation has not seen the passion for freedom. However, the funny thing is that even the third and fourth generation of the freedom fighters know Zaverchand Meghani.

Because one of Meghani Saheb's song 'Man Mor Bani Thangaat Kare' has become so popular among the new generation that no one is unaware of that song anymore! How can a person who is not unaware of Meghani's song be unaware of Meghani? Even though the song was important because of Meghani or Peacock, one word in the song 'Thangat' touched the mind of the new generation.

Though Meghani's Thangat is limited to the independence of the country, Thangat's presence is seen in every occasion and every activity of life. The key word is thanganat. But as per the requirement of the rhythm, Meghaniji did the thanganat! No one is born into this world who has not enjoyed Thangat! Everyone has to be thongnat in some way or another. We have to do the work that we are not interested in when it comes to work, there is no shortage of it.

Many people are involved in many kinds of activities. An activity that is deprived of thangat is an activity, not an activity. Is also donkey-friendly. No day will ever come in this, behind the success of every work, only the thongat behind the work is effective! Your business can only grow if it has a thrift business. The farmer has as much difficulty in sowing as he has in harvesting. Politicians have to maintain the thongnat for twenty-four hours a month until the veins of the legs begin to stretch.

Thangat to get a ticket as a candidate in the election. After that, the struggle to form and form a government even after the struggle to win and win the elections, the struggle to strengthen the party and the government by buying outside members does not stop! Thangat is required in every field. Two wheelers or four wheelers can't come to your yard if you have a lot of money but no thungat! Luxurious items like TV, fridge, washing machine or oven can't fit all of them! If all that is required is achieved, then the mind will not remain without blossoming!

The peacock is a lucky animal. He received a national poet like Meghani to bring it in the campaign and now he called the Prime Minister of the country at home and grabbed the peacock with his own hands! So now its taunts are being heard on social media. Meghani had a sense of humor. Modi has a real bloom.

It is known that Modiji has 'Mann Ki Baat' but everyone has always been unaware of Mann Morla. Meghani even raised the peacock to such an extent that it got the status of a national bird. Now it remains to be seen what title Modi will give him. Mor came to her house. Everyone knew that Modi had frozen it, but it cannot be said with certainty that the peacock came to Modi's notice or reached his mind.

If you say anything confidently about a political person, there is a good chance that it will be wrong. BJP leaders and activists who are engrossed in imitating Modiji are feeling confused as to where we will bring peacocks to sow seeds by calling them at home. Didn't look back at imitating everything. Khamish aka shirt aka t-shirt has been seen on half sleeves. But if the coat and the robe is half sleeved, it also looks awkward.

But the BJP leaders and activists ventured, even if the half-sleeved robe looks awkward, but Modiji wore a half-sleeved robe so we should wear it too. When will we get such a cheap and easy opportunity to prove Modi devotion? But Modiji went to Delhi and put on his suit boots, but Modiji did not jump. The followers keep on doing something that makes their mouth water. Now he has grown a beard. What should we do now? They are confused as to whether to grow a beard or not.

The ritual of seeding a bird is ancient. It is never discussed. But if both the eater and the feeder are of high rank, it becomes a very big event. It is not a trivial matter for the head of state to keep the national bird at home. That is a very big event. That's why the incident went viral on social media and spread! Various comments started coming from regular users of social media.

There was some praise, some criticism, where neither of these happened, this incident seemed like a surprise! In the political arena too, the RJDA has been implicated in the incident. Asked if Lalu Prasad Yadav was punished by the forest department for keeping peacocks, why such a step was not taken even for Modi? No one can do marketing like Modi. Modiji comes up with new ideas to stay in the discussion. It is in constant debate.

No one would have known if he had covered up the incident of sowing peacocks. But to be the subject of such a discussion, to go viral on social media, is all part of Modi's marketing. His beard was also discussed. There were also a lot of comets about beards. Some mocked the beard, some commented that elections were coming up in West Bengal. That is why Modiji will go out to campaign in Rabindranath Tagore's Getup by growing his beard and hair. Seeing him, if all other BJP leaders and workers grow beards, not only his face, but the face of the entire BJP will change.

Modi disregarded the half-sleeved robe but the leaders and activists who have been wearing the half-sleeved robe by imitating him are visible today. His condition has become like a mole swallowed by a snake. Even though he doesn't like to wear that robe now, he can't leave it! What will happen if it happens in the case of beard. Suppose you grow a beard in view of the West Bengal elections, then what will happen to those who grow beards after seeing their husbands go after the elections?

Imitation is a characteristic of most people. People who do not or cannot develop themselves according to their own understanding. They are the ones who imitate others. Imitation does not make you like that. The insight and understanding to become something seems to work. Not every retinue spinner becomes Gandhiji.

Not every flutist can be a virgin. Not every archer is going to become Arjun! Not every man who kidnaps a woman can become a Lankesh! Even though many people played the kartal, no one became narcissistic and among the thousands of sadhvis carrying tambourines, there was no Meera Paki! And wearing a half-sleeved robe doesn't make you a prime minister!

Seeding the peacock is not a matter of debate. But the Prime Minister is involved in this. It is important that the Prime Minister sows seeds to the peacock. For the first time in his life, Modi planted a peacock and the matter was settled. Even if you freeze the whole of Moro, no one will notice. Because you are not the Prime Minister. And Modiji has got into the practice of sowing seeds. Even the domesticated pigeons of the Congress are called to themselves by throwing the seeds! Congress is the oldest organization. Other parties came into existence after independence.

Congress is a pre-independence body. It was the Congress that led the movement for the independence of the country. Congress is the oldest organization. That is, it is a very old building and now the shells of that old building have started to fall off. However, it is a good thing that some Congressmen want the crust to come off. There will be an opportunity to re-plaster.

This was the situation of the Congress during the rule of Indira Gandhi. Even the crusts were torn off. It seemed that the building would collapse. But that did not happen. Indira threw away the crumbling shells and the building became stronger with new plaster. Called the Watbank Plaster! And since then, such a votebank has been noticed in the votebank debate.

Earlier the allegation of votebank was only at the head of Congress. Now the BJP also has a vote bank. And both parties have now gone to the market to make a dent in each other's votebanks. As a result, the Congress had to adopt the BJP policy and the BJP has adopted the Congress policy. Now that Rahul Gandhi is going to visit temples, the recent statement of film actor Paresh Rawal in favor of Muslims has gone viral. That statement is proof that the BJP is trying to make a dent in the Congress votebank.

Somewhere four die,

Somewhere ten times die.

Both Hindus and Muslims are safe

Man often dies!
